Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dining with Your Dog

If meal time is your dog’s favorite time of day, here are a few tips to make dining even more enjoyable.

If your dog has mastered begging as an art form, try diverting her attention by going for a walk or playing a game.

After each meal, throw out any remaining food and wash your dog’s bowls. Dirty dishes provide a breeding ground for bacteria.

If your dog eats when you do, feed her in a room away from the dinning room to curb begging.

In warm weather, add a few ice cubes and keep a fresh supply of water available to help your dog stay cool.

If your dog enjoys snacking, consider purchasing an automatic dry food dispenser, but don't forget to check and make certain your dog is not overeating or experiencing weight gain when self-feeding.

Dogs love cheese, but too much can cause diarrhea.

Use stainless steel dishes for food and water bowels. Dogs who are chewers or like to gnaw can puncture plastic or chip porcelain bowls inviting bacteria or creating dangerous porcelain chips.

Low fat foods might be a plus for people, but dogs need fat to maintain healthy skin and coats. Age and size determine how many calories you dog needs. Smaller dogs burn more calories where as older dogs need fewer calories. When planning your dog’s diet consider his age, weight, health and amount of activity for an overall healthy diet.

Show off your dog's sparking personality in the Lumino-Metallica Dog Hoodie from www.dogclothes-apparel.com. Made of 100% cotton, this sleeveless hoodie is decorated on the back with a luminous print. Perfect for a night out on the town or just showing off.

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