Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Traveling With Your Dog

Traveling with your pet can be more hassle-free if you know what to do. Hotels have become more dog friendly, so here are a few ways to reciprocate.

If you need to go out, take your dog with you. A dog left alone in a strange room may become agitated, nervous and upset with anti-social behaviors to foll0w such as barking, chewing, wetting, or digging.

Walk your dog before going to the room. An empty bladder is a happy carpet.

Take something along which makes your dog feel at home. A favorite toy or a blanket will help ease your dog's nervousness about being in a new place.

Spend some time with your pet in her new surroundings. If she seems hesitant about a certain area or item in the room, explore it together to help put her mind at ease.

Look for any itmes in the room which may be dangerous for your dog. Put any small items which could be harmful out of reach.

These two lovelies are Penelope and Parker, part of our dogclothes-apparel photo gallery for January. To add your pup to our pictures go to http://www.dogclothes-apparel.com/ and click on Photos.

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