To check if your dog is overweight, examine your dog’s ribs and waist area. Overweight dogs tend to accumulate fat over the rib cage, along the spine, and around the tail. To check for fat around the rib cage, place your thumbs on your pet’s backbone, sliding your fingers along the ribs. If you have difficulty finding the rib cage, it’s time to institute an exercise and diet plan.
Dog food companies do sell low calorie meals for dogs, but beware. Dogs can lose weight on these diets, but prolonged use of “diet” products may lead to dry flaky skin and diminished coat health. Consult your vet to see taylor a weight loss plan for your pet’s age and general wellbeing
Establish a starting point. Before you make any changes to your dog’s diet and/or exercise program have a dog weigh-in. Record your pet’s initial weight and repeat this process weekly using the same scale. Two extra pounds on your pet is equal to 10 to 20 pounds on a person.
Mind the snacks. If your dog is prone to eating or snacking every time you do, curb this behavior or substitute a healthy food such as bananas, carrots, green beans, other low calorie vegetables. Adding more fiber to your dog's diet will help improve digestion and reduce the risk of constipation. If you see signs of intestinal upset, reduce the amount of fiber.
Be aware of the supplements you feed your dog as well as the fat content of the food he eats. Your dog needs fat to stay healthy and for a source of energy. But too much fat, left unburned, will put pounds on your pet. The fat content of dry food should be in the range of 11 to 15 per cent for active dogs and slightly less for older or more sedentary dogs. Also look for foods which contain Omega fatty acids.
Last but not least, don’t let those big soulful eyes suck you in. Feeding your dog a healthy well regulated diet will help shed pounds and gain longevity.
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