Acupuncture works best for chronic conditions such as asthma, back pain, and allergies and can be used in conjunction with veterinary treatments. If you are not comfortable with the concept of needles, acupressure may be an alternative. Based on the same concept, acupressure uses finger tips to activate meridians and balance energy.
An excellent source of information or to find an acupuncture practitioner is the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society ( Another useful informational source is The American Veterinary Medication Association ( Either will be able to provide additional information on acupuncture alternatives. You may also want consult with your vet regarding alternate treatments and any health issues your pet may have which would preclude acupuncture.
Let your pet show his true colors with the adorable Puppia Baseball Dog Shirt and matching Baseball Cap from . The Cotton Baseball shirt is adorned with White, Grey or Navy pinstripe on a White, Grey or Navy background. Two bold stripes tie in with bold neck detail. The letter B, a baseball and four matching buttons adorn the back of the shirt. Dog Baseball cap available in matching colors with a stopper and string for easy sizing. Baseball Shirt available in sizes: Small, Medium, Large and X-Large. Baseball Cap available in sizes: Small, Medium, and Large - Colors: White, Grey and Navy.